For any business, sales roles are crucial to growth. This means that securing the right people – from telesales operatives to sales directors – is absolutely critical to your success as an organisation. That’s why you want to assign the task of recruiting them to someone you can trust.
DMA has decades of experience in recruiting sales professionals of every kind. Whether you’re recruiting account managers or field sales personnel, regionally or nationally, we take the time first to get to know your business and its needs. That enables us to connect you directly with candidates who are not just qualified for the role but a great fit for your business. We continually refresh our unrivalled network of candidates – and our long years of operation mean we have developed a depth and breadth of potential recruits.
From the service industries to FMCG and solution sales, good salespeople know your industry back to front, just like good recruiters. We’re on top of each what each of those sub-sectors requires, too … and we’re creative in our approach, too: if the right person for you is hiding in an allied industry, we’ll still find them. We meet with every candidate and get to know them as well as we know your business. We make only the connections we come to know will be fruitful for all parties.
In other words, you can trust us because we know how important sales recruitment is to both you and the candidates … and also the success we want you to share.